Chicken vs Hot Dog
THE ULTIMATE ACTION PARTY GAME: A head-to-head game all about flipping chickens and throwing hot dogs into the air. Ideal for anyone who doesn’t want to learn lots of rules!
30 CRAZY CHALLENGES: Turn over a Challenge Card, then bid and flip your way to sweet-tastin’ victory.
FLIP-O-RAMA TIME: Match the same bid as your opponent and you’ll activate the fast and frantic Flip-o-Rama. First team to land their Chicken or Hot Dog Sling’Em®, wins!
PERFECT FOR TWO PLAYERS OR LARGE GROUPS: Go head-to-head with a friend or get the whole family involved for an epic team showdown.
Turn over a Challenge Card, then secretly bid high if you think you can nail it or bid low to avoid it. If both bids match, then it’s Flipperama time!
Every time you complete a challenge, you’ll get to turn over one of your Character Cards. The first player or team to turn over all six, wins the game!
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