Butterflies & Blooms Paint by Number
Paint by Numbers featuring colorful butterflies in a field of wildflowers! It’s classic Paint By Numbers, elevated for kids 8+. Beautiful artwork has enough detail to yield an impressive result. Deep 1.25" canvas can hang or stand, plus 16 colors of paint and 2 brushes. Clever tray pulls out to become your work station. It's the best Paint By Numbers on the market! And as always, iHeartArt donates 5% of proceeds to the charity partner, Art Feeds, that supplies art lessons, training and art materials to kids in need.
About iHeartArt: iHeartArt is a line of premium quality affordable art materials that empower young kids to tap into their artistic potential. 5% of sales of every I Heart Art item goes to Art Feeds' international division, helping kids around the world access art supplies and art education.
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